Holistic Medicine

Discover the Hidden Power of CBD in Massage Therapy: A New Era of Wellness


In the dynamic landscape of therapeutic healing, a groundbreaking trend is emerging. As a dedicated chiropractic professional, I am excited to introduce the remarkable integration of CBD oil into massage therapy. This post delves into how this powerful natural remedy is reshaping the healing experience, offering benefits that are both profound and scientifically backed.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound extracted from hemp plants. It's gaining acclaim not for what it does, but for what it doesn't do: it doesn't induce the "high" associated with its relative, THC. Its potential in managing pain, reducing inflammation, and soothing stress is supported by a growing body of research.

Benefits of CBD Oil in Massage Therapy:

  1. Deep and Effective Pain Relief: Imagine a level of pain relief that goes beyond the surface. CBD's anti-inflammatory properties work in tandem with massage therapy to target deep-seated pain and stiffness, offering relief that is both effective and natural.

  2. A Potent Weapon Against Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can be a silent adversary. Incorporating CBD oil in massage therapy offers a unique approach to combating this, promoting faster recovery and enhanced well-being.

  3. Stress Relief on a Deeper Level: The calming effects of CBD oil amplify the already relaxing nature of massage therapy. This combination is especially powerful for those seeking a reprieve from the stresses of daily life.

  4. Revitalizing Skin Health: CBD oil is not just about what's beneath the skin. Its compounds are known for their skin-nourishing qualities, offering a natural way to rejuvenate and protect your skin.

  5. A Holistic Approach to Well-being: This isn’t just a treatment; it's a holistic experience that aligns with the principles of chiropractic care, targeting both the body and the mind.

Safety and Considerations:

Quality and safety are paramount. We use only the best, third-party tested CBD products. While generally safe, we advise certain groups, particularly pregnant or breastfeeding women, to wait until more research is available, ensuring a safe and tailored therapeutic experience.


The fusion of CBD oil with massage therapy marks a significant advancement in holistic health. It's a testament to how natural remedies can complement traditional therapeutic practices, offering a more profound and encompassing healing experience. At our clinic, we're proud to be at the forefront of this exciting development.

Call to Action:

Curious about how a CBD-infused massage could benefit you? Reach out to us today or schedule an appointment and experience a new dimension in therapeutic care!

Book Here - AWE Massage

Call/Text - (310)730-3423

The Synergistic Healing Power of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care

As the modern world increasingly looks toward integrative healthcare practices, one unique blend of traditional and complementary medicine is making waves: the combination of acupuncture and chiropractic care. These two disciplines, steeped in centuries-old wisdom, when integrated can offer a new dimension of health benefits that far outweigh their individual advantages.

Acupuncture, a pillar of traditional Chinese medicine, works on the theory of Qi (pronounced 'chee'), the life-force energy flowing through meridian points in the body. The gentle insertion of fine needles into these points seeks to unblock and balance the Qi, aiding in the alleviation of physical and emotional health problems.

On the other hand, chiropractic care, originating in the late 19th century, focuses on restoring optimal function to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems primarily through spinal adjustments. Chiropractors believe that with the spine being in proper alignment, the body can heal itself, reducing pain and enhancing overall health.

Now, imagine the amplified healing potential when you synergize these two therapies!

  1. Holistic Healing: Both acupuncture and chiropractic care share a similar holistic philosophy. They aim not only to treat the symptoms but the root cause of the disease, considering the body as an interconnected system. When combined, they offer an expanded holistic approach, addressing multiple facets of health simultaneously.

  2. Enhanced Pain Relief: While chiropractic care can be immensely beneficial in relieving skeletal and muscular pain, acupuncture excels at addressing conditions like migraines, chronic pain, or menstrual cramps. Together, they can cover a wide spectrum of pain-related conditions, offering patients a non-pharmacological approach to pain management.

  3. Stress Reduction: Acupuncture is renowned for its role in stress reduction, promoting a deep state of relaxation. Adding this to chiropractic care can improve the overall stress management approach, as stress often contributes to musculoskeletal issues like neck or back pain.

  4. Improved Body Function: Chiropractic care enhances the nervous system's function, affecting all body systems. Meanwhile, acupuncture supports overall wellbeing by balancing the body's energy. Combined, they can boost general wellness, optimizing body functions, and promoting vitality.

  5. Supportive Therapy: These therapies can often support other treatments, too. For instance, acupuncture might help with side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, while chiropractic care could aid in recovery from a sports injury or post-surgical rehabilitation.

Although the benefits of combining acupuncture and chiropractic care are compelling, remember that each patient is unique. Always consult with healthcare professionals to ensure you're choosing the best treatment modalities for your specific health needs. With the right approach, the synergistic power of these therapies can unlock a profound path towards enhanced health and wellbeing.